The Beatitudes

Student Quiz

The Beatitudes Quiz


1.     What does it mean to be poor spiritually?

a.  feeling lost and having a bad day           c.  have not prayed to God in a longtime

b.  spiritually bankrupt                                   d.  don’t have money to give to the poor

2.     Blessed are the poor in spirit

a.  for they will be satisfied                             c.  for they will be comforted

b.  for they will be inherit the earth             d.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

3.     Woe to the rich. What is the warning to the rich?

a.  keep money under your mattress           c.  don’t spend all your money in one place

b.  clean your money by laundering it         d.  don’t replace God with worldly goods

4.     Who are those who mourn or weep?

a.  people who lose their car keys                c.  parents who forgot to pick-up their kids

b.  someone who is grieving                          d.  people who got fired from their job

5.     Blessed are they who mourn

a.  for they will be satisfied                              c.  for they will be comforted

b.  for they will be inherit the earth             d.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

6.     Woe to those who laugh.  What is the warning to those who laugh?

a.  only laugh watching comedy shows       c.  laugh at someone else’s expense is ok

b.  laughing releases happy endorphins     d.  do not laugh at the things of God

7.     Who are the meek?

a.  they are humble, have gentle hearts    c.  they are charismatic, control takers

b.  the last to be pick for a sports team      d.  trustworthy, hedge fund managers

8.     Blessed are the meek

a.  for they will be satisfied                             c.  for they will be comforted

b.  for they will be inherit the earth              d.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

9.     What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?

a.  starving for justice                                        c.  to be self-righteous, wrongs made right

b.  fasting and need food to survive            d.  God’s law will judge righteousness

10. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness

a.  for they will be satisfied                             c.  for they will be comforted

b.  for they will inherit the earth             d.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

11. Woe to those who are full.  What is the warning to those who are full?

a.  they should share some of their food  c.  next time say grace before you eat

b.  if you eat too much you will get sick    d.  they will die with an empty sinful soul

 12. Who are the merciful?

a.  being sympathetic to another person  c.  people who are emotional based

b.  intensely aware of another person’s    d.  always providing a shoulder to cry on

pain yearning to be headed

13. Blessed are the merciful

a.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven       c.  for they will be called the sons of God

b.  for they will be shown mercy                    d.  for they will see God

14. Who are the pure in heart?

a.  heart with few impurities                           c.  they have low cholesterol

b.  they have unwavering integrity in          d.  they have holy non-polluted thoughts

      words and actions

15. Blessed are the pure in heart

a.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven       c.  for they will be called the sons of God

b.  for they will be shown mercy                    d.  for they will see God

16. Who are the peacemakers?

a.  police and fire fighters                                c.  Christ-like, resourceful, creator of positive good, study to be quiet

b.  they are peacekeepers                               d.  peace lovers

17. Blessed are the peacemakers

a.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven      c.  for they will be called the sons of God

b.  for they will be shown mercy                   d.  for they will see God

18. Who are the persecuted?

a.  someone charged with a crime               c.  those oppressed, abused and victimized

b.  those that flee from a crime                    d.  those who follow God’s Word

19. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness

a.  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven       c.  for they will be called the sons of God

b.  for they will be shown mercy                 d.  for they will see God

20. Woe to those who speak well of you.  What is the warning to those who speak well of you?

a.  beware of false prophets contradicting God’s Word

b.  prophets are improving to help make people feel better about themselves

c.  people will always give you good advice for what’s best for you

d. your friends will always tell you how great you are