Jesus tells us to, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28:19
Click on the picture below to get into each lesson
Jesus Calms the Storm
Matthew 8-23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25, provide “Jesus Calms the Storm.” This side-by-side study goes in great detail of Jesus’ story of how He calmed the storm. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Lord’s Supper
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide The Lord’s Supper. This side-by-side study goes in great detail of Jesus’ story of the Last Supper. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Luke, provide “Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.” This side-by-side study goes in great detail of Jesus’ story of how He was crucified. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Death of Jesus Christ
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide the story of the “Death of Jesus Christ.” This side-by-side study goes into great detail about Jesus’ death on the cross. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide the story of the “Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” This side-by-side study goes into great detail about Jesus’ resurrection. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
Matthew and Luke provide a detailed account of the Birth of Jesus Christ. This story from the two gospels go into great detail of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
John the Baptist’s Ministry and the Baptism of Jesus Christ
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide a detailed account of John the Baptist’s Ministry in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. This study provides a side-by-side comparison, Leader and student participant guides, and a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Parable of the Sower
Matthew, Mark, and Luke provide Jesus’ Parable of the Sower. This side-by-side study goes into great detail about Jesus’ story. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
Narrow and Wide Gates
Matthew, Luke, and John provide Jesus’ Narrow and Wide Gates. This side-by-side study provides a comprehensive study along with student and leader guides and a quiz to test your knowledge.
The House Built Upon the Rock
Matthew and Luke provide the story of the “House Built Upon the Rock.” This side-by-side study goes into great detail explaining the importance of putting Jesus’ words into practice. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
The Salt of the Earth
Matthew, Mark, and Luke provide “The Salt of the Earth.” This side-by-side study goes into great detail about Jesus’ story explaining the parable of the salt of the Earth. Leader and student participant guides along with a quiz to test your knowledge.
Matthew and Luke describe Jesus’ “Beatitudes,” including the Woes. This story from the 2 gospels can be viewed side by side on a 1-page download. Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Lamp on a Stand
Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Parable of the Lamp on a Stand.” This story from the 3 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Parable of the Mustard Seed.” This story from the 3 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Treasures in Heaven
Matthew, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Treasures in Heaven.” This story from the 2 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Matthew, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Parable of the Lost Sheep” This story from the 2 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Paying Tribute to Caesar
Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Paying Tribute to Caesar.” This story from the 3 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
The Greatest Commandment
Matthew, and Mark describe Jesus’ “The Greatest Commandment.” This story from the 2 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Leaven (Yeast)
Matthew, and Luke describe Jesus’ “Parable of the Leaven.” This story from the 2 gospels can be viewed side by side on 1 page. Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Net (Dragnet)
Matthew describes Jesus’ “Parable of the Net.” Great for bible study discussions.
Parable of the Weeds or Tares
Matthew describes Jesus’ “Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Weeds).” Great for bible study discussions.
Jesus’ First Miracle: Jesus Turns Water into Wine
Matthew describes Jesus’ first miracle “Turning Water into Wine.” Great for bible study discussions.
Future Study
Coming in March 2025
Bible Study Book: Ten Bible Studies: From the Birth of Jesus to the Baptism of Jesus
Coming Soon in Q2 2025