Birth of Jesus Christ
Quiz Answers
Birth of Jesus Quiz Answer Key
1. Where was Jesus born?
a. Nazareth b. Bethlehem Matthew 2:1
c. Jerusalem d. Judea
2. How many dreams did Joseph have before and after Jesus was born? Matthew 1:19-25, Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:19-20, Matthew 2:22-23
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
3. Mary was found to be pregnant. What did the angel inform Joseph and/or tell him what to do? Circle all that apply:
a. Take Mary as his wife f. You will call the baby’s name Jesus. Matthew 1:18-25
b. Contest the pregnancy g. Find an adoption agency.
c. The baby conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit Matthew 1:18-25
d. He will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:18-25
e. The baby is not your child; you can legally divorce your wife.
4. Why did Mary and Joseph have to return to Bethlehem?
a. Bethlehem had a hospital so Mary could give birth.
b. The Roman empire required all citizens to be counted in a Census. Luke 2:2-3
c. Joseph wanted to ask Mary’s father’s permission to marry her.
d. Bethlehem was a safe town away from Herod’s reach.
5. How did the prophecy in Micha 5:2 become fulfilled? Circle all that apply.
a. The Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. Micha 5:2
b. The child will be conceived by the Holy Spirit. (this is true, but Micha did not prophesy this)
c. The Messiah will be the ruler over Israel. Micha 5:2
d. The Messiah will be from ancient times and be everlasting. Micha 5:2
e. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
6. On the night of Jesus’ birth, who visited Jesus according to Luke?
a. Three wise men b. The shepherds Luke 2:15
c. The inn keeper at the inn d. John the Baptist
7. What did Mary bring to the Temple to complete her purification?
a. A pigeon and two doves Luke 2:24
b. A lamb
c. A goat
d. Two pigeons and one dove.
8. Who was the second witness at Mary’s purification?
a. Simeon b. Anna Luke 2:36
c. Hannah d. Elizabeth
9. Where did the wise men come from?
a. The North b. The South
c. The East Matthew 2:1 d. The West
10. Why did Herod send the wise men to find the Child? Circle all that apply.
a. Herod told the wise men he wanted to come and worship Him. Matthew 2:1-2
b. He was afraid they were lost and may need medical attention
c. He wanted to kill the Child. Matthew 2:16
d. Herod wanted to meet the parents.
11. What gifts did the wise men present to Jesus? Circle all that apply.
a. Gold Matthew 2:11 b. Silver
c. Frankincense Matthew 2:11 d. Myrrh Mattthew 2:11
12. Where did Mary, Joseph and Jesus flee for sanctuary?
a. Nazareth b. Bethlehem
c. Jerusalem d. Egypt Matthew 2:14
13. Which prophet said, “Out of Egypt have I called my son?”
a. Jeremiah
b. Hosea Hosea 11:1
c. Isaiah
d. Matthew
14. What did Herod do when he found out he was deceived by the wise men?
a. Sent two executioners to find Joseph, Mary and the Child
b. He ordered the killing of all the male children under the age of two years old in Bethlehem and surrounding settlements Matthew 2:16
c. He executed the wise men
d. He killed the chief priests and scribes
15. Matthew refers to the “Massacre of the Innocence” event to when Jeremiah tells the story what Rachel did as the Babylonians took Israel’s children into captivity. What was she they doing?
a. Represented the mothers of Israel were weeping Matthew 2:16-18
b. She was singing and dancing in the streets
c. She took up arms and rebelled against their captives
d. She plotted a plan for retaliation and killed Herod.
16. After Herod was dead, where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus return to?
a. Bethlehem b. Jerusalem
c. Nazareth Luke 2:39 d. Judea