Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Student’s Guide

Discussion Questions: “The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ”

1.    The Road to Golgotha. (Read the verses in red: Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26, and John 19:17) Why did Simon of Cyrene carry Jesus’ cross when John states in John 19:17, “He, bearing His cross,”?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.    Jesus speaks to the women along the way. (Luke 23:27-31) Only Luke informs us of Jesus speaking to the women along the way.  Who is Jesus referring to, and what did he mean in verse 31 stating, “For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?”  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.    Golgotha, Place of a Skull.  (Read the verses outlined in orange: Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22, Luke 23:33, and John 19:17) Why did the Hebrews call Golgotha “the Place of a Skull?”  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.    Jesus is offered sour wine or vinegar with myrrh to drink on three separate occasions. (Read the verses outlined in gray: Matthew 27:34, and Mark 15:22) Why was Jesus offered sour wine to drink?  Can you identify all three separate occasions?  Hint:  #3 is in the “Death of Jesus” lesson.

a.    Why?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b.    #1 _________________________________________________________

c.    #2 _________________________________________________________

d.    #3 _________________________________________________________

5.    The crucifixion.  (Read the verses outlined in blue: Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:33-34, and John 19:23-24).  The bible does not go into great detail about how Jesus was crucified.  Just that they crucified Him.  Matthew and John both mention a prophecy is fulfilled when the soldiers divided Jesus’ garments and cast lots for their clothing.  Where is this scripture written?  _____________________

6.    Casting lots. (Matthew 27:35, Mark15:24, Luke, 23:34, and John 19:23-24) The four Roman soldiers divided Jesus’ garments. What does it mean the Roman soldiers cast lots?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________  

What verse is the prophecy being fulfilled in Matthew 27:35?  _________________________________________

7.    Jesus asks to forgive them.  (Luke 23:34) Why does Jesus ask the Lord to forgive them?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8.    Jesus King of the Jews.  (Read verses outlined in black: Matthew 27:36, Mark 15:25, Luke 23:38, and John 19:19-22).  We are including John 19:21-22; the chief priests did not want to acknowledge Jesus of Nazareth as the King of the Jews.  Why did Pilate give instructions to write in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.    Bonus Question:  Do you know of the hidden Remez on the cross?  A Remez is a Hebrew word, and it means “hint.”  The Remez is found in understanding the inscription written in Hebrew.  Remember, the Hebrew language is written from right to left.  Here is what Pilate wrote:

 Hebrew:       HaYehudium          vMelech       HaNazarei             Yeshua

English:       The Jews              The King     The Nazarene        Jesus

An acrostic is a form of writing in which only the first letter of each word, line, or paragraph is linked together.  The first letter of each Hebrew word was used, spelling it right to the left.  The answer:  _______________________________

10.        The two thieves were crucified.  (Read the verses outlined in yellow: Matthew 27:38 & 44, Mark 15:27-28 & 32, Luke 23:39-43, and John 19:18).  All these verses refer to the two robbers who were crucified with Jesus, one on each side of him.  It shows their interaction with Him.  In Mark 15:28, what is the scripture that was fulfilled which says, “And He was numbered with the transgressors?”  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11.        Jesus Derided on the Cross.  (Read the verses outlined in purple: Matthew 27:39-43, Mark 15:28-31, and Luke 23:35-37). Why were the thieves, priests, elders, scribes mock Jesus while on the cross?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Only Luke (23:39-43) mentions Jesus talking with one of the robbers. Why does one of the robbers in Luke 23:42 tell Jesus to remember him, and how does Jesus respond?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________