The House Built Upon the Rock

Student Quiz

The House Built Upon the Rock Quiz

1.     What did the wise man build his house upon?

a.     The rock                                            c. The sand

b.     The water                                         d. The river

2.     What did the foolish man build his house upon?

a.     The rock                                            c. The sand

b.     Jesus                                                  d. The foundation

3.     Who represents the rock?

a.     The pastor                                        c. Wise men

b.     Jesus                                                  d. Foolish men

4.     Who do you symbolize in the parable?

a.     The rock                                            c.  The sand

b.     The house                                         d.  The wise builder

5.     Who told the parable of the wise and foolish builder?

a.     Matthew                                           c.  Luke

b.     Jesus                                                  d.  A (Matthew) and B (Luke)

6.     Finish this scripture.  “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to _________ .”

a.     A foolish man who built his house on the sand

b.     An honorable man who tells the truth and follows Jesus

c.      A wise man who built his house on the rock

d.     A man who follows my commandments

7.     What does it mean to act on Jesus’ teachings?

a.     To put Jesus’ words into practice

b.     Someone who knows all the right answers

c.      Someone who reads the bible every day

d.     Go to church every Sunday

8.     What does someone have to do to be like the wise man?

a.     Go to church and repent our sins

b.     Hear Jesus’ sayings and do them

c.      Be baptized and follow Jesus’ words

d.     Tithe 10% of our income

 9.     What keeps the house from collapsing in the storm?

a.     The rock                                            c.  The wise man

b.     The stream                                       d.  The sand

10.  What happens to the person who built his house upon the sand?

a.     We will be strong and confident

b.     We will be weak and fail

c.      We will survive the storm

d.     Luck will be on our side

11. What are some critical elements to building a solid foundation on Jesus Christ?  Circle all that apply

a.     Having faith

b.     Walking with the Lord

c.      Be obedient to God

d.     Have family and Godly friendships

e.     Learning the serenity prayer

f.       Be a good steward over God’s finances he has provided to you

g.     Maintain your body with a healthy spiritual discipline

12.  What happens to someone who does not build a strong spiritual foundation?

a.     They will be ok, God loves everyone

b.     They will become susceptible to persuasion and sin

c.      If they are a good person, they will still enter heaven

d.     Nothing. I don’t break any laws so that’s good enough.

13.  What are some temptations Satan uses for someone who does not build a solid spiritual foundation?  Circle all that apply

a.     Obedience                                        e.  Sex

b.     Lust                                                    f.   Luck

c.      Green lights when driving           g.  Pride

d.     Envy                                                   h.  Money

14. What does the floods, winds and storm represent?

a.     Life’s problems

b.     Celebration

c.      Parties

d.     Good times are ahead