Jesus Calms the Storm

Student’s Guide

Discussion Questions: “Jesus Calms the Storm”

1.   Cross to the other side.  (Read the verses outlined in red:  Mark 4:35 and Luke 8:22).  When Jesus says, “Let us cross over to the other side,” Where are they currently located?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Where does He want to go?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.   Before and after they embarked.  (Read the verses outlined in green: Matthew 8:23, Mark 4:36, and Luke 8:22). Who got into the boat?  __________________________________________________

What does Mark mention that Matthew and Luke does not?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.   The great windstorm.  (Read the verses in blue:  Matthew 8:24a, Mark 4:37, and Luke 8:23). What type of storm suddenly overcame the boat Jesus and the disciples were traveling?  _________________________________________________ 

Why was the Sea of Galilee so dangerous to cross?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________  How high could the waves get to cover the boat?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.   Jesus was asleep, His disciples awoke Him. (Read the verses outlined in purple:  Matthew 8:24b-25, Mark 4:38, and Luke 8:24a). Where was Jesus sleeping on the boat?  (Mark 4:38) __________________________________________________

5.   They were perishing. Why does Mark ask, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.   Jesus calms the storm.  (Read the verses outlined in black:  Matthew 8:26b, Mark 4:39, and Luke 8:24b). What does Jesus do after they awoke Him? 

(1) __________________________________________________ 

(2) __________________________________________________ 

(3) __________________________________________________

7.   (Read the verses outlined in gray: Matthew 8:26a, Mark 4:40, and Luke 8:25a). Why did Jesus say, “Why are you fearful?” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

8.   Why does Jesus ask, “Do you still have no faith?”  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.   (Read the verses outlined in yellow:  Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, and Luke 8:25b). Why did the disciples say, “Who is this that even the wind and waves obey him?”  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________