Jesus Calms the Storm
Student Quiz
The Jesus Calms the Storm Quiz
1. What was Jesus doing earlier in the day before crossing the Sea of Galilee?
a. He was teaching His parables.
b. He is praying with the disciples.
c. He was feeding the 5,000 with fish and bread.
d. He was baptized by John the Baptist.
2. Why did Jesus and His disciples get into the boat?
a. They wanted to go fishing.
b. They wanted to go Galilee.
c. Jesus wanted to rest after teaching to his disciples.
d. Jesus said he wanted to go to the other side.
3. What type of storm arose on the sea?
a. It was a hurricane.
b. It was a lightning and thunderstorm.
c. It was a tempest or windstorm.
d. It was a typhoon.
4. What was Jesus doing when the storm suddenly arose.
a. Praying
b. Looking at the sky
c. Sleeping
d. Fishing
5. Where was Jesus sleeping?
a. In the bow
b. In his cabin
c. In the stern
d. On the deck
6. What did the disciples say to Jesus to wake Him up?
a. We are perishing!
b. Please help us bail the water.
c. We are in jeopardy, please wake up.
d. Jesus, please rebuke the winds and the sea.
7. What did Jesus say to calm the storm?
a. Quiet.
b. Be silent.
c. Calm.
d. Peace, be still.
8. What did Jesus say to the disciples after He calmed the storm?
a. Why are you scared when I am with you?
b. Why do you look so surprised?
c. Why are you fearful? Where is your faith?
d. Are we there yet?
9. How did the disciples feel after Jesus calmed the storm? Circle all that apply.
a. Thankful
b. Marveled
c. Afraid
d. Relieved
e. Grateful
10. How did the disciples respond after Jesus calmed the storm?
a. They started bailing the water out of the boat.
b. They raised the sail to get to shore as fast as possible.
c. They threw their nets over the boat to catch all the fish.
d. They said “Who is this? Even the winds and waves obey Him.”