Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Student Quiz

Jesus Turns Water into Wine Student Quiz

1.     In what town/city did Jesus perform the miracle of turning water into wine?

a.     Jerusalem

b.     Bethlehem

c.      Cana

d.     Nazareth

2.     What type of event/occasion did Jesus perform this miracle?

a.     Baptism

b.     Wedding

c.      Christening of a newborn baby

d.     Bar Mitzvah

3.     Who told Jesus the wine had run out?

a.     Mary, mother of Jesus

b.     The master of the banquet

c.      One of his disciples

d.     The bridegroom

4.     What material were the water pots made of that Jesus used to turn water into wine?

a.     Clay

b.     Wood

c.      Stone

d.     Glass

5.     How many vessels were used to turn water into wine?

a.     5

b.     6

c.      7

d.     8

6.     In which Gospel is the miracle of turning water into wine mentioned?

a.     Matthew

b.     Mark

c.      Luke

d.     John

7.     Approximately how many gallons of water did each waterpot hold?

a.     9-17 gallons

b.     18-27 gallons

c.      28-36 gallons

d.     37-45 gallons

8.     Where is Cana?

a.     Samaria

b.     Judea

c.      Galilee

d.     Perea

9.     What magic words did Jesus use to turn water into wine?

a.     Abracadabra

b.     Hocus Pocus

c.      Let there be wine!

d.     Jesus used no magic words.

10.  This was Jesus’ ___________ miracle.

a.     First

b.     Second

c.     Third

d.     Fourth

11.  Who received the praise for the wine?

a.     Jesus

b.     Bridegroom

c.      Mary, mother of Jesus

d.     Bride

12.  What did the master of the feast think of the miracle wine?

a.     It was good wine.

b.     It was a bad wine.

c.      It tastes the same.

d.     It tastes like water.