John the Baptist
Quiz Answers
John the Baptist Quiz Answer Key
1. Why did John the Baptist say Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand?
a. Jesus is coming soon so you better say sorry for all your wrongdoings.
b. You need to repent so you can get into heaven.
c. Ask God for forgiveness of their sins and change their way of life. Luke 3:3
d. Jesus will only let those into heaven who repent.
2. What was John the Baptist’s diet for food?
a. Camel and sheep
b. Locust and wild honey Matthew 3:4 Mark 1:6
c. Sheep and goatskin
d. Milk and honey
3. Why did John the Baptist refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees as “Brood of vipers”?
a. They wore clothing made of snakeskin
b. He was pointing out they were deceitful and wicked people Matthew 3:7 Luke 3:7
c. They strike with deadly force like a venomous snake
d. They all belong to the same tribe, the Vipers
4. What happens to the tree that does not bear good fruit?
a. The tree is trimmed so new branches will grow and bear fruit
b. The tree is cut down to be used as furniture
c. It is cut down and thrown into the fire Matthew 3:8-10 Luke 3:8-9
d. Extra water and fertilizer will help the tree grow
5. Where was John the Baptist when the word of God came to him?
a. In the temple
b. In the wilderness Matthew 3:1-3 Mark 1:4
c. On a boat
d. At his mother’s home
6. What did John the Baptist baptize Jesus with?
a. Water from the river Jordon Matthew 3:13-16 Mark 1:9
b. The Holy Spirit
c. Holy water from the local church
d. The dove that descended upon him
7. Who is John referring to when Jesus will gather up His wheat into the barn? Who represents the wheat?
a. The Jewish people
b. The wicked people
c. The righteous or people of God Matthew 3:12 Luke 3:17
d. Everyone who follows Him
8. In which wilderness region did John the Baptist preach?
a. Judea Matthew 3:1
b. Shur
c. Negev
d. Zin
9. What was the garment that John the Baptist wore made from?
a. Sheep’s hair
b. Camel’s hair Matthew 3:4 Mark 1:6
c. Cow hair
d. Goat hair
10. In what river did john the Baptist Baptize?
a. Jordon Mark 1:5
b. Gihon
c. Nile
d. Euphrates
11. Which important man is John the Baptist recorded as baptizing?
a. Phillip
b. Peter
c. Paul
d. Jesus Matthew 3:13-16 Mark 1:9
12. Who was the voice from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased?”
a. Jesus
b. Moses
c. Angels
d. God Matthew 3:17 Mark 1:11 Luke 3:22
13. Extra Credit: Who was the father of John the Baptist?
a. Zebedee
b. Joseph
c. Zacharias Luke 3:2
d. John