The Lord’s Supper
Quiz Answers
The Lord’s Supper Quiz
1. Why is Passover celebrated?
a. Passover is the same holiday as Easter.
b. Deliverance from slavery from Egypt.
c. When the Israelites escaped Egypt, they passed through the Red Sea.
d. The angel of the Lord passed over the Hebrew houses whose doors were marked with lamb blood. Exodus 12:1-28
2. How were the Israelites to cook the lamb for Passover?
a. Boiled with herbs and spices.
b. Roasted with bitter herbs. Exodus 12:8
c. Grilled over an open fire.
d. Rotisserie with butter.
3. What city did Jesus, and his disciples celebrate the Passover?
a. Jerusalem Matthew 26:18 Mark 14:13 Luke 22:10 Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:1-11 Luke 19:28-44 John 12:12-19
b. Bethlehem
c. Nazareth
d. Bethany next to the Mount of Olives.
4. Why did Jesus wash the feet of the disciples?
a. Their feet were dirty after walking on the dusty road outside.
b. Jesus is demonstrating a lesson of humility. John 13:14-15
c. The disciples were in a guest’s house and He said they should be clean.
d. Jesus tells them to wash another’s feet.
5. When Jesus broke the bread with his disciples, what did the bread represent?
a. The bread was used to feed the multitudes on the Mount.
b. The bread was used to dip into the lamb sauce.
c. The bread was unleavened bread made without yeast.
d. The bread represents Jesus’ body. Matthew 26:26 Mark 14:22 Luke 22:19
6. When Jesus took the cup of wine and told each of them to drink it, what did the wine represent?
a. The wine represents sin.
b. The wine represents purifying the sins from the body.
c. The wine represents Jesus’ blood of the new covenant. Matthew 26:27-29 Mark 14:23-25 Luke 22:20-22
d. The wine is to be eaten at Passover when you eat the bread.
7. What does Jesus say is the purpose of the pouring out of His blood?
a. Forgiveness of our sins. Matthew 26:28
b. Jesus is keeping His promise.
c. The blood is everlasting life.
d. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross causing him to pour out his blood.
8. Why would it have been better to have never been born, than to betray Jesus?
a. The betrayer will live in hell for all of eternity.
b. Not being born, would be nothing; for betrayal, he will undergo the most severe and agonizing punishments. Matthew 26:23-24 Mark 14:20-21
c. He will hang himself from a Redbud tree.
d. He will run away in shame.
9. What did Jesus say how the disciples could identify who would betray him?
a. He would not eat the bread or drink the wine.
b. He would kiss Jesus on the cheek.
c. He would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
d. He received a piece of bread when Jesus had dipped it. Matthew 26:23 Mark 14:20 John 13:26
10. Who betrays Jesus? (The most correct answer for this lesson)
a. Satan.
b. The devil.
c. Judas. John 13:26-27
d. The Pharisees, and Sadducees.