Narrow and Wide Gates

Quiz Answers

Narrow and Wide Gates Quiz Answers

1.     Who or what is the gate/door?

a.     Heaven

b.     God

c.      Jesus John 10:7

d.     The Pearly Gates

2.     Which is the gate that leads to eternal life?

a.     The gate made of gold

b.     The narrow gate Matthew 7:14

c.      The gate made of pearl

d.     The wide gate

3.     Which is the gate that leads to destruction?

a.     The gate made of gold

b.     The narrow gate

c.      The gate made of pearl

d.     The wide gate Matthew 7:13

4.     Who do the sheep represent?

a.     The Jews

b.     The Church John 10:7

c.      The Pharisees

d.     The disciples

5.     Why did Jesus say it is difficult to find the way that leads to life?

a.     The path is rocky and steep

b.     The path is long and hard

c.      The gate is narrow and few find it Matthew 7:14

d.     The gate is low and hidden

6.     What are the different ways to enter heaven?  Circle all that apply.

a.     Everyone that does well will enter heaven.

b.     All roads lead to God.

c.      Only the door through Jesus can you enter heaven. John 10:9 John 14:6

d.     As long as you have spiritual belief you’ll enter heaven.

e.     Those who have never sinned will enter heaven.

7.     How did Jesus say we should try to enter through the narrow gate?

a.     Try really hard

b.     Strive Luke 13:24

c.      Be a good Christian.

d.     Be a disciple.

8.     Why did Jesus say, “I don’t know you” Doesn’t God/Jesus know everyone?

a.     Because Jesus only knows Christians and Jews.

b.     Because there are too many people in the world to know everyone.

c.      Because they never accepted Jesus as the personal Savior. Luke 13:25

d.     Because they have not done enough good deeds in their life.

9.     Who was the master of the house?

a.     Tony Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie

b.     Jesus Luke 13:25

c.      The person who owns the house

d.     The bank until the loan is paid

10.       What is the difference between the master at the door refusing the person to enter because Jesus did not know him, and in Matthew 7:7-8, when he states, “to him who knocks it will be opened?”

a.     At judgment, all we must do is knock and Jesus will open the door.

b.     Jesus knows all the people who do good and will open the door

c.      In Matthew 7:7-8 is a response to seeking Jesus and have a relationship with him.  If there is no relationship, just friendship, Jesus will say “I do not know you.” Matthew 7:7-8

d. Knock three times and the door will open.