Parable of the Lamp on a Stand
Quiz Answers
The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand Answer Key
1. Who is Jesus referring to as the light of the world?
a. God
b. Himself (Jesus)
c. You Matthew 5:14
d. The sun
2. Who is the lamp?
a. Jesus Mark 4:21 Question #6
b. God
c. You
d. The Holy Spirit
3. Where does Jesus say the lamp is to be displayed?
a. Under a basket
b. On a lampstand Matthew 5:15 Mark 4:21 Luke 8:16
c. Under a bed
d. In the center of the room
4. What is hidden that cannot be revealed?
a. Secrets
b. Light
c. Darkness
d. Nothing Mark 4:22 Luke 8:17
5. How will Jesus measure you?
a. By your good deeds
b. Based on your good deed vs. your bad actions
c. With the same measure you use Mark 4:24
d. How many times have you attended church.
6. What does Jesus mean when he says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear?”
a. Listen to what is being said, evaluate it, and decide what is best to do.
b. Pay attention! Mark 4:23
c. People who are deaf will not be able to hear.
d. Jesus is only talking to those who have ears.
7. What will be rewarded to those who can hear?
a. Gold
b. Salvation
c. More will be given. Mark 4:24 Luke 8:18
d. Time
8. What does Jesus say will happen to those “whoever does not have?”
a. Even what he has will be taken away from him. Mark 4:25 Luke 8:18
b. Will be given a second chance if they are good people.
c. Will have to make an atonement for their actions.
d. Will not have keys to enter heaven.
9. What important word in Mark 4:21, was loosely translated from Greek to English in the New King James version in this parable that changes the perspective?
a. Bed. Greek translation should have been “Couch”
b. Basket. Greek translation should have been “Bushel”
c. Brought. Greek translation should have been “to come” Mark 4:21
d. Set. Greek translation should have been “Placed”
10. Why does Jesus state, “Let your light so shine before men?”
a. Your good works are to honor and glorify God so men may see them. Matthew 5:16
b. Do good works so men can see how your honor God.
c. So, men can see how bright you are.
d. To show them what a good Christian you are.