Parable of the Lost Sheep
Quiz Answers
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Answer Key
1. How many sheep were lost?
a. 1 Matthew 18:12, Luke 15:4
b. 99
c. 2
d. 50
2. Who represents the sheep? (Circle all that apply)
a. Sinners Luke 15:7
b. Angels
c. Pharisees
d. Fallen away Christians Matthew 18:10, Biblehub Matthew 18:10
3. Who does the shepherd represent?
a. Sinners
b. Angels
c. Jesus Matthew 18:11
d. Christians
4. Who represents the little ones?
a. Children, boys and girls
b. Christians and followers of God Matthew 18:10
c. Angels
d. Pharisees
5. What does the shepherd do after he finds his lost sheep?
a. Cries because the sheep died.
b. Celebrates with his friends and neighbors. Luke 15:6
c. Kills the sheep to teach the other sheep a lesson.
d. Has a banquet served with lamb chops.
6. In Matthew, what is gained from finding the lost sheep?
a. The shepherd’s stress and anxiety are reduced in finding the lost sheep.
b. The shepherd received great happiness in finding the lost sheep.
c. The lost Christian who strayed away from Jesus is found. Matthew 18:13-14
d. The little sheep has returned to the mother sheep.
7. In Luke, what is gained from finding the lost sheep?
a. The rest of the sheep rejoice with Jesus.
b. The sheep is property, the asset has been returned to the shepherd.
c. The shepherd can finally rest because he has found his lost sheep.
d. The sinner repents, Jesus carries him on his shoulders, and Jesus rejoices with his friends and neighbors. Luke 15:5-6
8. In Matthew, what is the parable lesson?
a. When a Christian falls away, God will continue to search for him; when he is found there is much rejoicing in heaven. Matthew 18:14
b. It is important for the sheep to stay with the flock, so they never get separated from Jesus.
c. When a sinner repents and turns to Jesus for his salvation, there is much rejoicing in heaven.
d. It is better to fall away from God, because he will come, find you and rejoice more for you are found, than he cares about the other sheep.
9. In Luke, what is the parable lesson?
a. When a Christian falls away, God will continue to search for him; when he is found there is much rejoicing in heaven.
b. The importance for the sheep to stay with the flock so they never get separated from Jesus.
c. When a sinner repents and turns to Jesus for his salvation, there is much rejoicing in heaven. Luke 15:7
d. It is better to fall away from God, because he will come and find you and rejoice more for you when he finds you than the other sheep.
10. Who did Jesus come to save?
a. The righteous
b. The lost Matthew 18:11
c. The suffering
d. The church goers