Parable of the Lost Sheep

Student’s Guide

Discussion Questions: “Parable of the Lost Sheep”

Set the stage:  Read Ezekiel 34:11-16.

1.  Why would God want to destroy the sleek and strong sheep? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.  Who is God trying find and save? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.  The tax collectors and sinners (Read in black Luke 15:1):  Who were the tax collectors? And why would they be grouped with the sinners? ________________________________________ __________________________________________________

4.  Eating with sinners (Read in red Luke 15:2):  Why is eating with sinners looked upon as an unacceptable or intolerable act by the Pharisees and scribes? _______________________ __________________________________________________

Let’s look at the beginning part of Matthew’s version of the Lost Sheep.

5.  The little ones (Read in dark red Matthew 18:10):  Who are the little ones?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Guardian Angels.  The second part of this verse, Jesus talks about “in heaven, their angels always see the face of God.”  For many years, people have referred to this verse as evidence that every believer has their own guardian angel.  Does this mean every believer has their own guardian angel? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

7. The sheep goes missing (Read verses in green Matthew 18:12 and Luke 15:4) From Matthew’s perspective, who is the lost sheep? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________

8. From Luke’s perspective, who is the lost sheep? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________

9.  The sheep is found, and the shepherd rejoices.  (Read in purple verses Matthew 18:13, Luke 15:5-6). From Matthew’s perspective what is gained by finding the lost sheep? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. From Luke’s perspective what is gained by finding the lost sheep? ____________________ __________________________________________________

11.  The Parable from Luke.  (Read in grey Luke 15:7):  What is the parable lesson in Luke? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

12.  Parable from Matthew.  (Read in orange Matthew 18:14):  What is the parable lesson Matthew? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

13.  Jesus came to save the lost. (Read in blue Matthew 18:11):  Why did Jesus come to save the lost and not the righteous? __________________________________________________