Parable of the Mustard Seed

Quiz Answers

The Parable of the Mustard Seed Answer Key


1.     Where is the Parable of the Mustard Seed found in the Bible? Circle all that apply.

a.     Matthew Matthew 13:31-32

b.     Mark Mark 4:30-32

c.      Luke Luke 13:18-19

d.     John

2.     PARABLE: Who represents the man who plants the mustard seed?

a.     Farmer John

b.     Jesus Matthew 13:31 Luke 13:19 Gill’s Exposition

c.      The Holy Spirit

d.     God

3.     PARABLE: What does the mustard seed represent?

a.     Food for the birds

b.     Future mustard plants

c.      Faith – Jesus’ Word Matthew 17:20 Luke 17:6

d.     The church

4.     PARABLE: What does the field/garden represent before the seed is planted?

a.     The church

b.     Well cultivated pasture

c.      The Kingdom of God

d.     The twelve disciples Student Guide Q7

5.     PARABLE: What is the spiritual action of planting the mustard seed?

a.     Being baptized in the name of Jesus

b.     The beginning of faith in Jesus Student Guide Q6

c.      Gateway into the Kingdom of God

d.     The church

6.     How did Jesus describe the Kingdom of Heaven?

a.     It is the size of a mustard seed.

b.     White puffy clouds, gold for streets, and pearly gates.

c.      The kingdom is infinite in size.

d.     It is the process of a mustard seed growing into a large enough bush to have branches. Matthew 13:31-32 Mark 4:30-32 Luke 13:18-19

7.     What does the mustard seed turn into after it is planted?

a.     A mustard tree

b.     A mustard bush or plant Matthew 13:32 Mark 4:32 Luke 13:19

c.      Mustard bulbs

d.     Mustard flowers

8.     PARABLE: What does the matured growth of the mustard plant or bush represent?

a.     The church

b.     The Kingdom of God Matthew 13:31 Mark 4:30-31 Luke 13:18-19

c.      There are a lot of mustard seeds in Heaven.

d.     The Kingdom of Heaven comes from the same mustard tree.

9.     PARABLE:  What do the birds who perch in the mustard plant’s branches represent?

a.     Satin trying to eat the mustard plant’s leaves, stalks, and seeds.

b.     Children of God waiting to be baptized.

c.      The people of God who find safe harbor in the Church of Christ.

d.     They are just birds who are hungry and eat the mustard seeds.

10.  Provide some examples of how the Word or Kingdom of God grew:

a.     Decision to replace one of the twelve apostles with 120 Disciples. Acts 1:15-26.

b.     Peter’s day of preaching at Pentecost, 3000 baptized. Acts: 2-14-41

c.      150 AD the Way or Christian population grew to 40,000. Christian Growth Early 1st Century

d.     2010 the estimated Christian population was approximately 2 billion. Global Christianity