Parable of the Sower
Quiz Answers
The Parable of the Sower Quiz Answer Key
1. What does the seed represent?
a. Jesus
b. God
c. The Word of God Luke 8:11
d. Satan
2. Who does the sower represent?
a. Jesus Matthew 13:3 Mark 4:3 Luke 8:5 Mark 4:14
b. Satan
c. A farmer
d. The Disciples
3. What happened to the seed that fell on rocky soil?
a. Birds ate the seed
b. The seed was choked
c. The seed started to grow, but did not take root Matthew 13:5 Mark 4:5 Luke 8:5 Matthew 13:20 Mark 4:16 Luke 8:13
d. The seed grew and produced a yield of 100 seed
4. What happened to the seed that fell on the path?
a. Birds ate the seed Matthew 13:4 Mark 4:4 Luke 8:5
b. The seed was choked
c. The seed started to grow, but did not take root
d. The seed grew and produced a yield of 100 seed
5. What happened to the seed that fell among the thorns?
a. Birds ate the seed
b. The seed was choked Matthew 13:7 Mark 4:7 Luke 8:7
c. The seed started to grow, but did not take root
d. The seed grew and produced a yield of 100 seed
6. What does Jesus mean when he says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear?”
a. Listen to what is being said, evaluate it, and decide what is best to do.
b. Pay attention Mark 4:3
c. Put my words to the test
d. Jesus is only talking to those people who have ears
7. Who does the seed that fell by the wayside and birds devoured them represent?
a. Those who hear the word, are drawn to it, but fall away when faced with hardship or persecution
b. Those who hear the word but don’t pay attention to it Matthew 13:19 Mark 4:14 Luke 8:12
c. Those who hear the word, understand it and put it into practice
d. Those who hear the word, but fall away in pursuit of wealth and riches
8. Who does the seed that fell on good soil represent?
a. Those who hear the word, are drawn to it, but fall away when faced with hardship or persecution
b. Those who hear the word but don’t pay attention to it
c. Those who hear the word, understand it and put it into practice Matthew 13:23 Mark 4:20 Luke 8:15
d. Those who hear the word, but fall away in pursuit of wealth and riches
9. Who does the seed that fell on rocky places represent?
a. Those who hear the word, are drawn to it, but fall away when faced with hardship or persecution Matthew 13:20 Mark 4:16 Luke 8:13
b. Those who hear the word but don’t pay attention to it
c. Those who hear the word, understand it and put it into practice
d. Those who hear the word, but fall away in pursuit of wealth and riches
10. Who does the seed that fell among the thorns represent?
a. Those who hear the word, are drawn to it, but fall away when faced with hardship or persecution
b. Those who hear the word but don’t pay attention to it
c. Those who hear the word, understand it and put it into practice
d. Those who hear the word, but fall away in pursuit of wealth and riches Matthew 13:22 Mark 4:18 Luke 8:14