The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Weeds)
Student Quiz
The Parable of the Net Quiz
1. Who is the man who sows good seed?
a. The disciples
b. Jesus Christ
c. The farmer
d. The church
2. What does the field represent?
a. The church
b. The world
c. Israel
d. The farm
3. What does the good seed represent?
a. Jesus
b. The sons of the wicked
c. The sons of the kingdom
d. The church
4. What do the weeds represent?
a. The evil one
b. The sons of the wicked
c. The sons of the kingdom
d. The Pharisees
5. Who is the enemy or evil one that sowed the weeds?
a. The devil
b. A competitive farmer
c. An angry neighbor
d. The Pharisees
6. What does the harvest represent?
a. Time to burn the weeds.
b. The process of gathering crops
c. The reapers separate the wicked from the righteous.
d. The end of the world/ages
7. After the reapers gather up the wheat, where do they put it?
a. Into God’s barn
b. Into the fire
c. Into the wheat grinder to make flour.
d. Into the farmer’s barn
8. Who are the reapers?
a. Satan’s fallen angels
b. Angels
c. Satan
d. Righteous people
9. What happens to the weeds when they are removed?
a. They are rolled up and smoked.
b. They will be cast into the furnace of fire.
c. They are thrown away.
d. Animals eat them.
10. The Son of Man send out His angels, who is gathered up first?
a. The righteous.
b. Women and children
c. The undecided
d. All those who offend God, and practice lawlessness.
11. Why did Jesus tell the servants NOT to gather up the weeds when they sprouted.
a. The weeds look very similar to the wheat, and they could not tell the difference.
b. Because they will uproot the wheat with them
c. It is not the servant’s responsibility.
d. All the above
12. What does the barn represent?
a. They place where Jesus was born in Nazareth.
b. It is where all the sons of the kingdom come to worship.
c. The kingdom of heaven
d. A shed for storing animals and farm equipment.
13. What happens to the righteous after they are harvested?
a. They are carried by angels up to heaven.
b. They get to live in the barn.
c. They become born-again Christians.
d. They will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of heaven.