Paying Tribute to Caesar
Student Quiz
The Paying Tribute to Caesar Quiz
1. Who were the spies who pretended to be righteous?
a. The Sadducees
b. The Romans
c. The Pharisees
d. The Herodians
2. What type of coin did they show Jesus that was used to pay for Roman taxes?
a. Denarii
b. Drachma
c. Denarius
d. Dinar
3. Who were the Herodians?
a. They were Herod worshipers.
b. They were a group that believe Roman rule with Greek influence would bring them benefits.
c. They were a group that believed Jewish rule with Roman influence would bring them benefits.
d. They were a group that believed Roman rule with Jewish influence would bring the benefits.
4. What were the Pharisees and Herodians trying to accomplish when they came to Jesus?
a. They wanted to see if he was the true son of God.
b. They wanted to see if Jesus would be willing to join them in prayer.
c. They pretended to be genuinely interested in his teachings, but their true goal was to deceive him.
d. They were looking to join with his disciples on His ministry.
5. Whose image was on the coin?
a. Jesus
b. August Caesar
c. Herod Antipas
d. Tiberius Augustus
6. What was the question the Pharisees and Herodians asked Jesus to try and trap him?
a. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
b. Is it unlawful to work on the Sabbath?
c. Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
d. What shall we do to inherit eternal life?
7. What answer did Jesus provide so he would not be caught in the Pharisees’ trap question?
a. Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.
b. Render to God the things that are God’s.
c. Either A or B
d. Both A and B
8. What does the inscription said on the coin?
a. In God we trust
b. Tiberius Caesar, Son of the Divine Augustus
c. Caesar is God
d. Caesar is the one true God.
9. What are things that are Caesar’s?
a. The enslaved Jewish nation
b. Everything they conquered.
c. Coins bearing Caesar’s image.
d. The people’s trust and loyalty.
10. What are things that are God’s?
a. Act of giving to the needy with trumpets.
b. Prayer in the streets and synagogues to be honored by others.
c. Practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.
d. Anything that bears the likeness of God.
11. How did the Pharisees and Herodians feel after Jesus’ responded their question?
a. Disappointed
b. Marveled
c. Happy
d. Confused