The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Quiz Answers
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Quiz Answers
1. Who predicted their own resurrection and accomplished it? Circle all that apply.
a. Muhammed Abdullah
b. Jesus Christ Matthew 16:21 Mark 8:31 Luke 9:22 Matthew 17:22-23 Matthew 20:17-19 Mark 10:32-34 Luke 18:31-34
c. Confucius
d. Gautama Buddha
2. Who was the first to arrive at Jesus’ tomb?
a. Simon Peter
b. Mary, the wife of Cleopas
c. Mary Magdalene Matthew 28:1 Mark 16:1 John 20:1
d. Joseph of Arimathea
3. Who rolled back the stone from the door of Jesus’ tomb?
a. Mary Magdalene and the other women
b. The Roman Guards
c. The disciples
d. An angel of the Lord Matthew 28:2
4. What cataclysmic event occurred at the time of Jesus’ resurrection?
a. Flood
b. Earthquake Matthew 28:2 Early 1st Century Earthquake Geology Review
c. Hurricane
d. Hail
5. What did Mary Magdalene see when she entered Jesus’ tomb?
a. Two angels John 20:11
b. An empty tomb
c. Jesus’ linen cloths
d. Jesus Christ
6. Who were the two disciples that entered Jesus’ tomb?
a. Peter and Matthew
b. John and Phillip
c. Peter and John John 20:2-8
d. Matthew and John
7. Who appeared to Jesus first?
a. Simon Peter
b. Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9
c. Apostle John
d. The Roman Guard
8. Where did Jesus say the disciples would see him?
a. In Galilee Mark 16:7
b. In Jerusalem
c. In Bethlehem
d. In Nazareth
9. After Jesus’ resurrection, what explanation did Jesus give Mary Magdalene no to touch him?
a. He was not yet blessed by the Holy Spirit
b. She had not purified herself
c. He was still transforming into human form
d. He had not yet ascended. John 20:17
10. What Old Testament prophet did the Lord use to foretell the resurrection event of Jesus Christ?
a. Moses
b. Isaiah Isaiah 53:10-12
c. Solomon
d. David
11. Why did the Jewish elders give the Roman guards money?
a. To guard over the tomb all night long.
b. To bribe them and say Jesus’ body was stolen while they were sleeping. Matthew 28:12-15
c. They had to put on extra guards during the night
d. They had to pay for food while they were up during the night.
12. Which disciple did the angel call out by name to meet Jesus?
a. Matthew
b. Peter Mark 16:7
c. John
d. Thomas