Salt of the Earth
Student Quiz
Salt of the Earth Quiz
1. Jesus states, “You are the salt of the _________.”
a. Earth c. Skin
b. Food d. Water
2. What is salt?
a. Sodium Potassium c. Sodium Chloride
b. Sodium Pentothal d. Sodium Hydroxide
3. Where did the people in Jesus’ time commonly obtain salt?
a. From the salt plants c. From the dead sea salt farmer
b. From a salt vendor d. From the saltwater purifier
4. What is salt used for? Circle all that apply.
a. As a preservative to keep meat from spoiling
b. Heartburn
c. Adds flavor and makes things taste better
d. Used as a disinfectant
e. Increase blood pressure
f. Essential for life
5. Which is your interpretation of Mark 9:49, “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt?”
a. This is a continuation from the previous verses in Mark 9:42-48. At the end of Mark 9:48 Jesus states the worm does not die in the unquenchable fire. Everyone in hell shall be salted with fire and the salt will preserve them to remain in the eternal fire. The wicked will continue their suffering as a sacrifice to God’s justice.
b. The seasoned with fire is not only implied for those who do evil to preserve them and punish them in fire, but also to purify those who have sacrificed in God’s eyes with the grace of salt. By seasoning with salt, those who have done good in the sight of God will have the opportunity to be purified with salt.
c. Everyone will be purified through the fiery furnace. Those who follow Jesus will be protected through the fiery furnace. This comes from the story with Daniel 3:8-25 where King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the temperature of the furnace seven times more than usual.
d. A teaching lesson for the apostles must learn that men other than themselves might be faithful Christians.
e. Your own interpretation ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________
6. How can salt lose its saltiness?
a. Salt expires after 12 months.
b. It is no good once it is heated.
c. When contaminants outweigh the amount of salt.
d. Salt can only be used once.
7. How do Christians lose their saltiness?
a. They stop attending church
b. They stop praying
c. They adapt to society’s pressures and conform away from Jesus
d. They stop reading their Bible
8. What happens to salt if it is neither fit for the land nor the dunghill?
a. It is still good to sprinkle on food
b. It is thrown out. It is worthless.
c. Salt can still be used as a disinfectant
d. Salt can be boiled in water and reused.
9. How do we improve the strength of our salt?
a. Go to church regularly
b. Join the church choir
c. Let everyone know how much we give to the church.
d. Demonstrate our Christian beliefs, humility, peace, charity, and contempt for the world.
10. What three things must salt have to affect the earth? Circle all that apply.
a. Salt must be used in a certain quantity
b. Salt must be sprinkled on food to make it taste better
c. Salt must be used in direct physical contact
d. Salt must be of high quality
11. What three things must Christians need to be the salt of the earth? Circle all that apply
a. Christians must have a minimum quantity of the group to be effective
b. Christians must be in direct contact with the private and public sectors
c. Christians must bring friends and relatives to church to learn about Jesus
d. Christians must have a high quality of being Christian and not adulterated by society.