The Parable of the Leaven
Quiz Answers
The Parable of the Leaven Answer Key
1. How many measures of flour were used to hide the leaven in the parable of the leaven?
a. Three Matthew 13:33
b. Two
c. Four
d. One
2. Which is the only feast where leaven is used.
a. Feast of Unleavened Bread
b. Feast of Trumpets
c. Feast for Weeks – Leviticus 23:17
d. Feast of Firstfruits
3. Who does the dough (or bread) represent?
a. God c. The Holy Sprit
b. Jesus John 8:35 d. Sin
4. In the parable of the leaven, what is leaven referred to as?
a. Flour
b. Yeast – Parable of the Leaven Study Guide Q #1.
c. Salt
d. Butter
5. The Jewish people were required the eat unleavened bread on many feast, Passover and occasions. How many days did they have to eat unleavened bread?
a. 6 days
b. 7 days – Exodus 12-19, Exodus 13:6-7, Exodus 23:15, Exodus 34:18, Leviticus 23:6, Deuteronomy 16:3-4, Ezekiel 45:21
c. 8 days
d. 10 days
6. In one of the interpretations of the Parable, who does the woman represent?
a. Jesus
b. God
c. The Holy Spirit – Parable of the Leaven Study Guide Q #10
d. Sin
7. In Leviticus 6:20, why did the priest give 1/10 of an ephah?
a. The congregation did not provide much contribution this month.
b. 90% belonged to the church.
c. Because there were 9 other priests, each received 1/10.
d. This was the amount the priest is supposed to tithe. Leviticus 6:20
8. Were the Jews allowed to eat leavened bread?
a. Yes
b. No Exodus 12:15, Exodus 12:19, Exodus 12:20, Exodus 13:3, Exodus 13:7, Leviticus 6:17, Deuteronomy 16:3.
9. If Jesus is the bread of life, what does He do with the leaven after it is entered into the dough?
a. Jesus turns the leaven into wafers.
b. Jesus absorbs the leaven as sin, so we might become righteousness of God to Him – Parable of the Leaven Study Guide Q #16.
c. Jesus repels the leaven and throws it into hell of fire.
d. Jesus uses it to create angels.
10. What happens to leaven bread when it is placed in the oven?
a. The leaven is burnt up in the fire. Parable of the Leaven Study Guide Q # 18
b. The leaven creates the crunchy sound of bread when it’s squeezed.
c. The leaven makes it, so the bread does not stick to the oven surface.
d. It turns into gluten.