Treasures in Heaven
Student’s Guide
Discussion Questions: “Treasures in Heaven”
1. Let’s begin the study with an easy parable. (Read the outlined in green Luke 12:32): Who is the “little flock?” __________________________
2. If they are referred to as the flock, who is Jesus referred to? ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Why does He expressly state He is please to give you the kingdom? ___________________________________________________________________
4. Do not store up treasures on earth. (Read the outlined in blue, Matthew 6:19). In Jesus’ time, what items would people store up as treasures on earth? __________________________________________________
5. What are things today commonly stored up as treasures on earth? ________________________________________________________________
6. Store up treasures in heaven. (Read the outline in black, Matthew 6:20 and Luke 12:33b). Why does Jesus tell us to store up treasures in heaven instead of the earth? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What kinds of treasures do you know are in heaven? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Sell your possessions. (Read in orange, Luke 12:33a). Why does Jesus state, “Sell your possessions and give to the poor.” Does He not want us to own anything? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Your heart is your treasure. (Read in red Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34). What is the difference between having a heart focused on earthly treasures versus heavenly treasures? How does it affect your heart? ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jesus provides parables and lessons to describe heaven.
We will cover some critical parables about how Jesus describes heaven and the importance of a foundation of heaven’s treasures.
10. Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. (Read Matthew 13:44-46). What is the significance of finding a treasure, selling everything you own, and then using that money to obtain it? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Laying up Treasures for a Firm Foundation. (Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19). How does someone build a good foundation for heaven, and why is it being developed? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. The Prophet and Righteous Person’s Reward. (Read Matthew 10:40-42). What is the significance of this parable? HINT: It is in the last part of verse 42. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. The Rich Young Man Parable. (Read Matthew 19:16-29) A similar parable is located in Mark 10:17-22 and Luke 18:18-23. What must the rich young man do to receive treasure in heaven? ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. The Parable of the Rich Fool. (Read Luke 12:16-21). What opportunity did the rich man miss? What would have been a better solution? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. THIS IS THE HOW: How should we work to achieve rewards and treasures in heaven? (Read again Matthew 6:21 and Colossians 3:23-24). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. THIS IS THE WHEN: When should we work to achieve rewards and treasures in heaven? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
17. The Day of Judgement. (Read: 1 Corinthians 3:11-15). How will our works be tested? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Five Crowns in Heaven
18. What are the five crowns in heaven?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
19. The Crown of Life. (Read in green James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10). What is the Crown of Life? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. What is mentioned in the bible about how we can achieve the Crown of Life? Based on what is written in James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10, there are at least four criteria to earn the crown of life:
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
21. The Crown of Rejoicing (Read in blue 1 Thessalonians 2:19 and Philippians 4:1). What is the Crown of Rejoicing? _________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. What is mentioned in the Bible how can we achieve the Crown of Rejoicing? (Read Acts 11:25-26 to establish the first Christians). There are two types of Christians. Believers (Converts) and Disciples.
1. Disciples: ______________________________________________
2. Believers (Converts): _____________________________________
3. To achieve the Crown of Rejoicing, _________________________ ______________________________________________________
23. The Imperishable Crown. (Read in read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27) What sporting event(s) does Paul use to describe the perishable crown? ____________________________________________________
24. What is the Imperishable Crown? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
25. What is mentioned in the Bible about how can we achieve the Imperishable Crown? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
26. The Crown of Righteousness. (Read in black 2 Timothy 4:4-8). 2 Timothy 4-5 provides the context of fulfilling the ministry. What is the Crown of Righteousness? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
27. Who or what are the qualities of a righteous person? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
28. What is mentioned in the Bible about how can we achieve the Crown of Righteousness? Paul states three things must be achieved to receive the crown of righteousness.
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
29. The Crown of Glory. (Read in purple 1 Peter 5:1-4) What is the Crown of Glory? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
30. What is mentioned in the Bible about how can we achieve the Crown of Glory? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
31. Crowns at Risk. (Read in blue Revelation 3:11) Can we lose our crowns? There are three parts to this verse:
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
White Garments and Other Treasures in Heaven
32. Promises in Heaven. (Read in gray Revelation 3:5) What three promises did Jesus make to the church of Sardis?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
33. The Lukewarm Church. (Read in purple Revelation 3:18) What three solutions did Jesus provide the church of Laodicean for salvation?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
34. The Wedding Supper for the Lamb (Read in red Revelation 19:7-8). There are several topics in these two verses; however, what is the significance of the fine linen being referred to as the righteous acts of the saints? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
35. Twenty-four Thrones. (Read in green Revelation 4:10-11). Who sits on the twenty-four thrones in heaven? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Positions of Authority
36. The good and faithful servant. (Read in green Matthew 25:20-23) What are the lessons learned here about the good and faithful servant? Is there an opportunity in heaven when Jesus teaches us about the parable? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
37. Sitting on Jesus’ Throne. (Read in black Revelation 3:21). What is the significance of sitting on Jesus’ throne? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
38. Kings and Priests. (Read Revelation 1:6 and 5:10). Will everyone be a King or a Priest? If not, who will be? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________